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Brilliant Factory
GE - Power and Water

My Role:
User Interface Design
Visual Designer
Icon Designer

As part of the larger initiative to transform GE factories into brilliant facilities, our team took on the challenge of developing digital tools to support this endeavor. During a hackathon event, I participated in and contributed to the creation of a concept idea that would later be further developed. The concept aimed to leverage emerging technologies such as digital twins, wearable technology, and cloud-based information to enhance efficiency and productivity. This hackathon experience provided a valuable opportunity to brainstorm innovative solutions and contribute to the larger goal of making GE factories truly brilliant.

The business unit recognized our expertise in user research, user interface design, and project management, and invited our team to participate in a hackathon focused on developing a simple solution for machine uptime/downtime status. Excited by the opportunity, I took part in the four-day event, leveraging my knowledge of the business and applying my design skills to create intuitive iPad screens for the Operations Leader workflow. Through close collaboration with the team and leveraging our collective expertise, we aimed to deliver a solution that would streamline the monitoring and tracking of machine status, ultimately contributing to improved operational efficiency and productivity within the factories.

The challenge at the hackathon was to develop an iPad app that would empower Operations Leaders to monitor machine statuses in real-time across factory floors. Recognizing the need for mobility and quick response, we aimed to create a solution that would cater to the on-the-go nature of an Operations Leader's role. During the hackathon, I quickly sketched out initial design ideas that would later evolve into the final designs for the project. These sketches served as a foundation for further iterations and discussions, laying the groundwork for a user-friendly and efficient interface that would enable Operations Leaders to effectively monitor and manage machines from their mobile devices.

With a sense of inspiration and momentum, I swiftly translated my initial design sketches into tangible screens. This process not only helped to solidify and visualize our ideas but also sparked a wealth of new concepts and possibilities. Collaborating closely with the engineers on our team, we explored the technical feasibility of our ideas and identified potential enhancements.

We adapted the designs to meet the hackathon's timeframe and align with the business unit's specifications. Our team, including myself and the Interaction Designer, created a simplified flow that captured the key steps of the Ops Leader's journey within the app.

With the user flow established and a clear vision of the final deliverable, I translated our design concepts into a functional and visually appealing prototype. This allowed our developers to efficiently work on implementing the necessary features and functionality while giving us a presentable version to showcase to senior leadership for feedback and validation.

During the hackathon presentation, I showcased the UI screens that I had designed, and they were selected by the business unit to move forward with for further development. The decision affirmed the effectiveness and alignment of the screens with the project goals, setting the stage for the next phase of the app's implementation.


The successful development and implementation of the application during the hackathon marked a significant achievement for my team and the business unit. As a result, we established a reputation as the go-to team for digitized projects within the Brilliant Factory Initiative at GE. Additionally, we expanded our scope by conceptualizing an Apple Watch Concept, further showcasing our expertise in delivering innovative solutions for the factory floor.